Thursday, July 10, 2008

Consent Form For Uterine Transfer of Cryopreserved Embryos

Nothing like a letter to scare the living daylights out of you! I shall be calling my nurse coordinator to confirm some of the finer points of this letter:

We understand that this consent gives the embryology team permission to thaw embryos that we currently have in storage. We understand that not all of the embryos survive the cryopreservation and thawing process. As such, we understand that in certain cases the embryologist may thaw more embryos than desired to obtain the number of viable embryos for unterine replacement transfer.

We understand that it is the general policy of this program to transfer no more than 6 embryos for IVF in order to minimize the risk of multiple gestation while maximizing the per cycle success rates of the procedure. (Whoa, back up. You mean we COULD BE John & Kate + 8???....Uh oh). We understand that any excess cryopreserved embryos maintained in storage for us will continue to be our responsibility and will be managed as directed in our original cryopreservation consent. (Yes, we will pay our $100/month storage fee for leftover embryos).

We understand that to date, in the small number of children born, there have been no observed detrimental effects arising from cryopreservation procedure. Therefore, no guarantees are offered regarding the normalcy of any pregnancy that develops following the transfer of cryopreserved embryo. (Intended question: Exactly how many kiddos out there are a result of being cryopreserved? This statement scares me a little bit. Luckily, I have a friend with a baby that came from a cryopreserved embryo, so I don't worry too much. But at this point, all the disclaimers are freaking me out a bit).

End letter. Luckily we have an appointment in the near future, so I can ask all of my questions and turn in all of my paperwork. I'm gearing up for shots (the medicine arrives next week, injections start the following week). Yikes!

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